新闻 2024年8月15日


  • Mitie’s latest 环境、社会和治理 report reveals it has met or exceeded 13 of its targets for the last 金融 Year (FY24), showing exceptional commitment to sustainability and social value
  • 为其到2025年实现净零排放的承诺做出贡献, Mitie cut its Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 5% and has now switched 66% of its vehicle fleet to electric
  • Mitie也支持超过1,200名学徒和近25名志愿者,在24财年为当地事业提供000小时

Mitie已经发布了它的 2024年环境、社会和治理报告, revealing significant progress towards its sustainability goals. Mitie met or exceeded 13 of its ambitious targets for the past 金融 Year (FY24), showing its commitment to each of its social value pillars – 环境, 人, 社区和负责任的供应链. 报告的主要内容包括:


Working towards its ‘Plan Zero’ initiative to reach net zero Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 2025, Mitie已经将其1类和2类排放量减少了5%. The biggest contributors to this reduction were introducing low-carbon heat pumps across its sites and continuation of its transition to electric vehicles (EVs). 迎来了它的5年,今年第000辆电动汽车, 三分之二(66%)的Mitie车队现在是纯电动的, meaning it operates one of the biggest electric fleets in the UK.

为了表彰这些里程碑和它的 持续的环境领导, Mitie was awarded an ‘A’ grade for its carbon reduction strategy and reporting by the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), putting it among the top 2% of organisations assessed annually.

超越自身对环境的影响, 凭借其在一系列绿色解决方案方面的专业知识, 从太阳能到生物多样性, Mitie has also continued to help its customers achieve their net zero targets. Highlights during FY24 include increasing London Euston station’s recycling rates from 10% to 81% with a new on-site recycling facility and installing 2,在联合英国港口安装了000块太阳能电池板, Southampton site to reduce carbon emissions by 235 tonnes a year.


Mitie has continued investing in training and development to create long-term, 充实同事的职业生涯. 它支持了1200多人 学徒 at any one time over FY24, offering 90 学徒hip courses. This includes the new Professional 安全 Operative Level 2 学徒hip, which Mitie played a leading role in developing to drive more career progression opportunities for the security 行业, 还有一个热泵工程师学徒, 帮助英国发展绿色劳动力.

Mitie also passed the £2 million milestone for Apprenticeship Levy gifting pledges in April this year. 通过征费, Mitie has enabled over 25 small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and local community services across the UK to fund 学徒hip schemes.


Mitie超额完成了所有的目标 社区支柱, upholding its pledge to make a difference in the communities it serves. 这包括提供近25份工作,000 hours of volunteering to local causes as a result of its initiative to gift colleagues ten hours a year.

米蒂的独立慈善机构, Mitie基金会, which works to help support those from disadvantaged groups secure employment, 也庆祝了十周年. Mitie recruited 418 individuals through the Mitie基金会 in the past year, as well as welcoming 790 forces leavers as part of its ongoing support for the Armed Forces community.


Priding itself on being a responsible business, Mitie spent just under half (47.7%)的供应链支出用于中小企业和3英镑.3 million with voluntary, community and social enterprises (VCSEs) – 46% above its target. Supply chain emissions also reduced by 12% compared to FY23, marking the end of a three-year supply chain transformation programme which focused on promoting sustainability through procurement.

Mitie首席法律官Peter Dickinson表示:

“As one of Britain’s biggest businesses we are committed to making a positive impact on our people, 社区与环境. 我们的2025年净零目标即将到来, it’s great to see that this year we exceeded so many of our goals.”

“We’ve been able to use what we’ve learnt from our own decarbonisation success to support our customers with their sustainability strategies, to broaden our impact and support Britain’s net zero journey.”

